
Artificial Turf Cost

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Contact us if you have questions about our services or starting a quote. Our team is ready to answer any questions you have about artificial turf cost, materials, and more!

Before Installation
Before Turf Installation
Results after Artificial Turf Installations - Why Not Turf LUbbock
After Turf Installation

Turf Installation Services
In West Texas & New Mexico

Revive Your Yard

Give your lawn extra love by hiring us for landscaping and turf installations. From placing concrete to yard design, we’re attentive to the details that provide you with beautiful results. 

Why Not Turf provides high-quality materials and years of workmanship and experience to meticulously ensure you can enjoy your yard for years to come. Let us help you achieve your yard goals! Learn more about our services and how they can take your home to the next level, or call today to request a FREE estimate.

Why Not Turf Lubbock

How much does turf installation cost?

Turf adds value to your home while helping you save money on yard maintenance, so how much does can it cost? Pricing for turf installations depends on yard size and the materials you choose. Talk with our team to learn more about the types we offer.

The Installation Process

1. Request Free Estimate

2. Measurement

3. Review Samples

4. Estimate & Invoice

5. Installation